Service Positions

Many of us believe that the most important service we can perform, is the service of attending a meeting. Together, we get better!


PositionBrief DescriptionStatus
ChairOur chair presides over intergroup meetings. This position is currently filled.
Vice ChairPresides over meetings should the chair be absent. This position is currently filled.
TreasurerThis volunteer collects the 7th tradition from NBR meetings and distributes remaining funds to the world office. This is a 6 month position with a 2 consecutive term limit. This position is currently filled.
SecretaryThe secretary shall keep minutes of all intergroup meetings.This position islooking for new service position holder.
Webmaster/Tech HelpCoordinates with each individual group and overall intergroup to keep information updated on the website. Also works with treasurer to coordinate renewals and manage web-donation features. This position is currently filled. We are looking to train someone as backup.
IG Representative
(one for each meeting)
This volunteer attends the Intergroup meetings, takes literature orders, and delivers updates to home-meeting.
This is a 6 month position with no term limits.
Tuesday Meeting – filled.
Thursday Online Meeting – filled.
Thursday Online Meeting – filled.
Saturday Meeting – filled.
Region 7 RepresentativeOur Region 7 Representative is the individual who represents the Northern Blue Ridge Intergroup within our region. This is an annual commitment requiring 6 months of abstinence. VACANT service position.
World Service DelegateThis is an annual commitment that requires a specific level of abstinence. For more information, reach out to service position.
You can view the OA BYLAWS here

Intergroup Monthly Meeting

The Blue Ridge Intergroup’s purpose is to encourage unity among all it’s meetings/groups. Intergroup serves as a forum to exchange of ideas, serve the needs of member groups, and to carry the message of OA to the compulsive overeater who still suffers.

We do this by:
— Keeping with OA’s guidelines for meeting.
— Serve as a central communication hub for all NBR Groups.
— Conduct various events, within OA set guidelines, that help further the goals of the Intergroup and individual NBR Groups.

When We Meet

Monthly: We meet on the 2nd Saturday of each month. Usually at 9:30 am, prior to the Saturday meeting. Note: There are sometimes modifications to this date/time based on individual or group conflicts or needs.
Zoom One-Click:
Meeting ID: 843 5109 6731
Passcode: 271235
One tap mobile +13017158592,,84351096731#,,,,*271235#


Check out the list of service positions below. Each are described briefly. Keep in mind, some service positions are specific to certain meetings, dependent on meeting type (in-person vs virtual), and may have time limits/durations.

The below list does not include same-day service volunteering roles (i.e. reading: Preamble, The Promises, or Our Invitation to You).

Key HolderThis is a 3 month position with no term limits.Takes possession of the key and arrives early to open the door and make sure the room is setup. Then, makes sure the doors are locked after the meeting.
Zoom HostHandled via the Sign-up Sheet. No term limits. Can also be done on-the-fly as needed. Zoom Host Training is also available, and is required.Responsible for opening the meeting zoom room and performing host duties outlined by each meeting. These duties may include: monitoring the waiting room, letting people in, muting microphones, etc.
For speaker meetings, the host handles starting and stopping the recording.
Zoom Co-hostHandled via the Sign-up Sheet. No term limits. Can also be done on-the-fly as needed.Helps back-up the Zoom Host. Monitors the chat room, lets people in, mutes microphones, etc.
Meeting Leader Handled via the Sign-up Sheet. No term limits. Can also be done on-the-fly as needed.Leads the meeting using the appropriate format. (Not the zoom host.) Meeting formats are unique to each meeting.
TreasurerThis is a 6 month position with a 2 consecutive term limit.This volunteer collects the 7th tradition after each meeting, pays the monthly rent from the 7th tradition and distributes remaining funds to the Intergroup.
New Comer GreeterThis is a 3 month position.This person calls all the new comers.
Meeting CloserThis is a 3 month position with no term limits. If position is open, those in attendance are asked to step-up.(In-person only) This person is responsible for placing the furniture back where it was found and cleaning/disinfecting as required by the church.

Find out more about our Meetings & Events.